Brand created for a line of flavored freeze dried treats.
Rebrand for Kroger/Fred Myers’ lines of General Merchandise categories and products.
Identity for a local independent record company.
Logo rebrand for an historic Southern California women’s book society. The flower exudes feminism and growth. The range of colors are an example of the inclusion of all people. It also has a secondary take with each color representing an open book.
Logo for Oracle Corp’s internal “Persona” project that allows outside, smaller vendors to use their software to gather and utilize Oracle’s resources to expand their growth options. Aimed at mid-sized companies like local chain markets to have access to larger and more profitable options.
A music and production company that creates content that is inclusive and supportive for every voice.
The ground-breaking game that allows the player control by using their mind to levitate a ball through various mazes by concentration alone. The solution was to have the logo “levitate” by using a drop shadow to mimic the action of the floating ball in the game.
Manufacturer of industrial amps and sound systems used in auditoriums, stadiums and other large venues. The ask was a logo that included a stand-alone icon that could be used as a bug that went on all their speakers. The merging of the ‘R’ and ‘H’ made a perfect place for a speaker image.
Brand for a small marketing and design team using the “Fat Boy” A-Bomb as inspiration. The line through the text adds an interesting touch that was a reference to the long horizontal flash of light emitted when the A-Bomb goes off. The second is a version when the icon isn’t used. The horizontal line then also shows the separation of the bomb head from the body.
Pb environmental is a consulting company for industries involved with the manufacturing and recycling of lead acid batteries and their environmental compliance, permitting and testing requirements. The concept was to use the periodic table symbol and atomic number for iron as the logo mark.
One of the largest contract glazing companies in Southern California, specializing in the design, engineering, fabrication, assembly, glazing and installation of building envelopes for medium and high-rise buildings.
On the heels of MindFLEX, Loopz was the next year’s “Blue Sky” toy. Loopz is a skill and action music memory game much like the age old Simon. The "loops" flash with ever-quickening patterns of light and music which the players must mimic.