Style guide for the Columbia Pictures major motion picture Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within that was sent to marketing partners such as Burger King and Bandai. The package includes a comprehensive usage guide and CDs with the electronic files and artwork for the end user.

Brochure for a Southern California University. The illustrations told the journey of a student looking to expand their horizons by attending Antioch. The copy layout mirrored an aspect of the illustrated person on the opposite page, be it leaning forward or mimicking the flying action of the illustration.

Catalog for Tomy Toys to be given out to buyers at the annual New York Toy Fair. That challenge was to incorporate all the boring information like item numbers and case packs without them being plain and cumbersome.

Pro Bono project to design a downloadable and printable brochure for the Apprentice of Peace Youth Organization (AOPYO). Located in downtown Denver, it provides a safe and unique environment for students and community members.